- Jul 9, 2023
- 1 min
Transparency in My Art:
Since I took a deep dive into one particular piece of my work, I thought I'd share a few more here. As you can see, they're usually a...
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- Jul 9, 2023
- 3 min
Why All of This Matters to Me:
I've always been an artist. I've created since I could hold a crayon. My art has always been a reflection of where I am a the moment I...
35 views0 comments
- Jul 8, 2023
- 2 min
What I've Learned So Far . . .
At first, I wanted to ask if people with mental illness were disproportionately more creative than their neurotypical counterparts. I...
28 views0 comments
- Jul 8, 2023
- 1 min
Coping & Creativity: AlzheimersDisease.net
While working on this project, I was reminded of a piece I wrote for AlzheimersDisease.net a while back based on my personal experiences...
16 views0 comments
- Jul 8, 2023
- 2 min
The Jury Is In. Creative Consensus Part V: Dr. Shawn Pitts
(Where do creatives weigh in? I wanted to find out, and gave some contemporaries the following question: "Mental health and creativity....
73 views0 comments
- Jun 27, 2023
- 3 min
The Jury Is In. Creative Consensus Part IV: Rita Blaylock
(Where do creatives weigh in? I wanted to find out, and gave some contemporaries the following question: "Mental health and creativity....
24 views0 comments
- Jun 23, 2023
- 1 min
The Jury Is In. Creative Consensus Part III: Brent Bonds
(Where do creatives weigh in? I wanted to find out, and gave some contemporaries the following question: "Mental health and creativity....
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